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difference between gaming pc and normal pc

The home computer industry is immense, which means diversity is never lacking. While this is certainly an advantage, it also makes it more complicated to choose a computer, especially if you are a hardcore gamer who depends on certain specifications. At the very least, you need your games to run smooth, but is it really necessary to invest in an extreme gaming PC? What’s the difference between that and a regular PC?
A few years ago, the biggest difference between an average computer and a gaming computer was that the latter had newer technology and more power. Today is different. With superior technology and higher expectations placed on game developers, there is a much larger gap that separates gaming computers from regular ones. Differences exist between gaming PCs, of course, but you can expect these devices to pack a lot of power.
Consider one of today’s virtual games, such as World of Warcraft, Crysis or Diablo. Game developers strive for a high level of creativity and reality that relies on computer hardware which is typically years ahead of what average computers are using. In order to play the game and enjoy all that it has to offer, you need to have a computer with the correct hardware in it. This hardware can only be found in gaming computers and includes:
  • Liquid cooling tubes that keep the CPU and graphic cards cool
  • High-end graphics cards
  • Top-of-the-line CPU
  • As much RAM as will fit
  • Fast processor
  • Large power supply
Every PC is built for a purpose, and today’s regular computers are built for simple tasks such as web browsing, sending emails, downloading files and playing light games. While they include a graphics card, RAM and power supply, these components are of average quality and not enough to run a high-graphic, high-power game.
A final thing to keep in mind is the long lifespan of extreme gaming PCs. Since they are built like powerhouses with high-end technology, they last much longer than traditional PCs. In fact, some could last half a decade or more and still be able to run the latest games, and they have the capability to be updated with new hardware.
Hopefully this information has helped you to understand the difference between gaming and regular PCs. If you are an avid gamer, a gaming PC is the way to go. It’s an investment that will not only allow you to play your favorite games, but enjoy a seamless gaming experience that is intuitive and controlled.


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